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BulletJournal 2021 Digital Edition 2

BulletJournal 2021 Digital Edition 2, a free GoodNotes 5 template download

It’s that time of the year where I update my Bullet Journal to reflect days and dates relevant to the year. This time around, I am moving from the NoteShelf app to GoodNotes 5.

I have used a digital Bullet Journal for about 3 years now(I write about why I switched to digital here) and have created one for free here because I think it’s more convenient bullet journaling through an iPad than a book. However, I have found GoodNotes to be relatively better than Noteshelf because of the following reasons:

  • It’s easier to customize writing pressure. It’s easier for me to write in calligraphy on GoodNotes
  • GoodNotes gives better flexibility with editing imported images. Cropping is so much easier. This especially comes in handy when you’re scrapbooking
  • GoodNotes allows for tabs. I can switch between two notebooks easily.
  • I find it does a better job of backing up my notebooks to Google Drive. Noteshelf was a little more manual(even though it says in the options ‘automatic upload’).

Well, if you’re interested in downloading the 2021 Digital Bullet Journal template for GoodNotes 5 click here to download for free- as usual.

Thanks to Ayat Ali for the GoodNotes request.

BulletJournal 2021 Digital Edition 2 was originally published in The Seye Kuyinu Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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