You are not what you think you are.
The goal of This Glorious Dance is to explore who we are, what we are, and what all of this is.
Who We Are
In “This Glorious Dance,” Seye delves into the essence of self-perception, challenging the reader with probing questions designed to strip away preconceptions and reveal our authentic selves. The narrative contends that we often define ourselves by our actions, the perceptions of others, our physical appearance, and our passions, yet these are mere facades that obscure our true nature.
What We Are
In exploring our identity, we may find out that we may not be defined by nouns but verbs. We may find that the question ‘Who am I’ may not be as cutting and potent as the question ‘What am I’. We live in a world defined by duality, yet our true essence remains nondual. “Being in the world, but not of the world” encapsulates this profound truth. This Glorious Dance invites you into a nondualistic and paradoxical exploration of life, challenging conventional views of existence with piercing insights and whimsical musings.
What All of This is
Touching on nuanced experiences of separation like anxiety, depression, unforgiveness, daily challenges, and even death, Seye Kuyinu masterfully uses vivid examples and playful inquiries to scrutinize science, religion, and philosophy. This examination urges a reevaluation of widely accepted beliefs and theories, suggesting that these perspectives, often revered as sacrosanct, may be simple interpretations of a much more intricate, unified, non-separate, yet beautiful dance of existence.
In this chapter, Seye draws a correlation between magical illusions and the mind's misunderstanding of what's obviously in front of us- the shaping of our perception is not reality.

Home is This and I is a lie
Building on the ideas of the first chapter, this chapter expands on the illusion of seeking, and seeking a destination that's out there. In our exploration, we may find that we are always home and home is non-locale.

The Dance of Thoughts
In The Dance of Thoughts, we explore the nature of thoughts; where thoughts come from, how they emerge, how they create the separate self. We may find that there's no thinker to any thought.

Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, Oneness and all that's necessary
Can we forgive and forget? Seye thinks so. In this chapter, he builds the case for forgiveness as the act of recognizing one's self as both the offender and the offended. In truth, there's no separation between one and an 'other'. The necessity here is to recognize the Oneness of all things.

Projection, Projectors and the Self-confident self
What if we realized that our perception of others is a perception of one's own self? How you see others is how you see yourself. Could that be true? In this chapter, Seye builds on this idea of perception of 'self' and what the ego is.

Anxiety is seen as a function of a mind that believes in a true existent future. When seen through, we find there's only this moment. In this chapter, there's a further exploration of what the voice in our 'heads' is that creates anxiety.

Resistance and Play
Experiencing resistance to an idea or perspective can manifest physically, often leading to discomfort or suffering. Embracing playfulness emerges as a potent antidote to such resistance. This chapter delves into the intrinsic role of play in our nature.

Death, Debt, Barbie and Ken
Death is expressed in this chapter as a change of state of finite and impermanent objects. What we are is infinite, transparent, unending. Death can then be seen as a celebration.

The Problem with Problems
What if there were no problems in the world? What if problems were reframed as challenges or even activities created by nobody for nobody? With this realization, there could be an enjoyment to what is often seen as 'problems'. This chapter expands on this idea.

I Don't Know
When we think we know, we know not. But when we truly do not know, what finds expression is knowledge dressed as wisdom. This chapter is an exploration of what it is to not know anything including all ideas, concepts and interpretations written in this book.

A nondualistic and
paradoxical exploration of life
This Glorious Dance is an analogy used throughout this book, representing life’s intricate play. As we clearly perceive this dance, we recognize ourselves as the One dancing. Dancing as pain and pleasure. Dancing as good and evil. Dancing as resistance and play. Dancing as poverty and wealth. Possessing nothing but owning everything.
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