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Yes, all we are is the knowing of experience. We are the very essence of experience,...

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All of life, it seems, revolves around the art of letting go. Yet embracing this notion,...

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It is obvious from experience that when we worry about situations and circumstances, the mind becomes...

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Yes, I said that! So let me start by saying this: In the last 4 years, I...

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It had been the third time in 14 months I have had to figuratively walk(or talk)...

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If you’ve followed my page long enough, you’d know that every year I publish here on...

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When we drop all the labels of right versus wrong, black versus white, vaxers versus anti-vaxers,...

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You need another type of stomach to comprehend the fact that you can be born of God....

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BulletJournal 2021 Digital Edition 2, a free GoodNotes 5 template download It’s that time of the year...

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Using a Query A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a...

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