I watched the movie Green Mile a few moments before sunrise today. A man, John Coffey, (acted by Michael Clarke Duncan) was convicted of raping 2 girls. He was sentenced to death by the electric chair. While waiting for his sentence he demonstrates miraculous abilities healing the warden’s wife who suffered a brain tumor, he also resurrects a mouse.
All indications proved that he raped the 2 young girls and killed them. How could he prove otherwise anyway when he had the intelligence of a toddler and he was BLACK. Just before he was executed, he performed a series of miracles and then somehow he made the executioner see a vision of the real murder scene. The rape happened to have been committed by one of the prisoners who was killed accidentally by another police officer. NO PROOF.
The next day was his sentence, the police officers knew the truth but could not defend him. The executioner later asked that he run away but he declines.
While giving the command to execute him, the executioner burst into tears(and the tears brewed in my eyes too,yea).
The parents of the kids spat in his face while the instructions were given for the execution. It was a dramatic scene. Eventually he was killed.
It’s so interesting to know a lot of people have stories untold, people blamed for sins they never committed. It’s sad to know that these things happen everyday.
Seconds before John was executed, he was asked to give his last words. His words:
“I am sorry for who I am”.
I am a word fetish. I don’t know how I became like this or why but I could stare so hard into a l.e.t.t.e.r. or just the sound ((((((((((( of a word or sentence…no wonder i love poetry, especially spoken word poetry.
Here is a poem I wrote and made in our image from a framework i saw:
sometimes words
will fail
as powerful
as they are;
even though
they build a man
and build his lover
they destroy him
and destroy them
listen to the distant
listen to the distant
Talking about words, drama and love, I should introduce Myne Whitman’s book “A heart to mend” to you. I haven’t finished it myself but thought to prop it here before I finish.
Its a book of fiction(i hope) about Gladys and Edward…Gladys, after searching after a long time for a job, finally gets a good job in Lagos in an oil and gas company. Then… then…she meets this bloke, rich guy called Edward. The story suddenly takes a new turn amidst other things she was trying to understand about her aunt.
Myne Whitman is a popular reader of this blog, comments on virtually all my posts. You can get her book from amazon:
A Heart To Mend. Myne, sorry I am a slow novel reader but I’d finish soon.
I have finally settled for the Blackberry Bold 9700. People close to me know my reservations for the blackberry. Coming from the Nokia E series family, and attempting the blackberry twice now, I have come up with a few conclusions. Conclusion One: Get an iPhone.
Conclusion Two: Want a hardcore phone with good battery life, all the business functionality, get the Nokia E series.
Conclusion Three: Want to follow the Social Fever get a Blackberry. caution: The hype will be over in a 8months as the Android will be more talked about. The pros of having a blackberry: a dedicated data plan.
All else is crap! Applications for the blackberry are mostly proprietary and they come at a cost. Beauty of the applications, NIL.
In fact, it’s so annoying that the Blackberry App World cannot be downloaded by most countries, including countries in Africa.
THE MOST ANNOYING PART OF THE DEAL. Most people who use a blackberry can’t even maximize the little functionality it has. I can bet it with half of the estate I own in Dubai that 99 percent of blackberry users don’t have app world on their blackberries except they got it passed down from someone who used it in the US or in England.
I hope I don’t get arrested by Interpol. LOL.
The security application I talked about in my last blog post is called BuddyGuard. Download it from the appworld.
Like the article from
this website we don’t really need blackberries. TOO MUCH HYPE FOR NOTHING.
Oh NaijaBabe’s bbm update,”Mr. Kuyinu welcome to Elm Street. *evil laugh*”. I saw that! Hater!
Hey y’all, I finally got to meet
NoLimit. She’s not much different from her writings. WOMBman!
I promised to write this and I will! There was this day we were at the check-in at the airport and then the person behind us was a celebrity and his wife. I greeted him politely, knowing he’s well known and all that. When NoLimit saw him, O.M.G anybody around 2000meters of where we were didn’t ‘hear word’ o. Two minutes later we were taking photos with them. What happened in the plane is yet to be fully investigated.
Four hours from now, I together with my team will be meeting with Nkiru Asika. I am quite excited knowing that something about our ‘creativity’ is getting us to sit down with her to talk about her new company called OutsourceMedia.
I pray each day for my skills to be sharpened even harder. I dislike Justin Bieber so much. His somewhat artificial rise to fame, the buzz, the twitter trends that won’t stop, oh gosh! Another hype story. But I respect the fact that he learned to play the guitar, the drums, trumpet and piano ON HIS OWN. I bet a man’s skills speak for him. What are you good at?
Lastly, ….
Do you understand? Oh you didn’t? Well I need so badly!
We each owe a death
Just that sometimes,
the green mile
seems so long
We each have something
we wish for so bad
Just that sometimes
We don’t see tomorrow
I haven't seen the Green Mile but after reading the first paragraph I want to see it so I skipped down.That's so cool that you met Nolimit! Something about the way she blogs and talks makes me believe that she's a very authentic person. I can see her freaking out at seeing the celeb too!I'm sure in a few weeks you'll have bent the BB to your will and you'll be loving it! If I can get a good monthly plan, I definitely want to get an iphone in a few months because I want a fun phone for once. I didn't know who Nkiru Asika in but I googled her and that's pretty cool. Hope the meeting goes well!
Like the poem
LOL @ NoLimit.
that was an awesome movie, so emotional yet humorous. seye, when r u gonna give me poetry writing lessons oh?
Haven't seen the movie. But now i can't. Basically know the story already. Lol.Word fetish you say? Sigh. Justin beiber. He has a nice voice is all i can say. :-).
sometimes wordswill failas powerfulas they are;True words!Hmmn. Green Mile Stephen King? I would love to see the movie.
Do I have to say it, you write so well. Your poems are like ahhhh….Thanks for plugging the book, really appreciate.
You're in a class of your own.You're so good.I like your blog..Be back..First time here.
Artificial rise to fame?Yo! What is ur beef with the little boy?Damn! And the way u finished the black berry ehn?Made us crackberry addicts seem fo freaking inferior.HISSSSSSSSSS Wareva dude!See u on BBM!loool!
you this boy! i am so jealous cuz you stood me up when I came to naija but decided to meet with Nolimit…so da beee??lol pls who was the celebrity o…
Good news, thanks for sharing!traffic to website
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