Among other things that have fascinated me, the art of Magic got my attention when I was much younger. At an early age, I had already realized that ‘magic’ as some know it, was only about fooling the eyes and playing with the mind. Nothing but tricks.
That was then and this is now. No adults emmmm Some adults okay, no adults get fooled by these tricks anymore. But I can’t waste my knowledge. Instead, I play these little tricks on little kids old enough to have their minds accustomed to the normal proceedings of nature. Bring me a 5 year old kid. Leave us for 30 minutes and I get the title ‘magician’. Till date, I carry these little coins to play on people I am meeting for the first time. (You may testify to this if I ever met you).
One thing you should know about me is I LOVE KIDS. Maybe because I sometimes wish I could go back to being a kid. Or maybe because sometimes I like to see things from their eyes. First thing I do when I meet kids(and when there are no adults around) is I study their characters, trying to find out if they are the quiet type, the rough type, the nerdie type, the fantasy type or the crying type. This usually positions me for the next stage of my initiation into their minds: THE CIRCUS.
But this post is not about creative ways to create fun with people. This post is about very creative ways with which real life ‘magicians’ have tried to mess with my mind.
That was my second introduction to ‘magic’ in lagos.
This right here was when my friend pulled me away. (Dang!! you should have let me take pictures!!!).
For a long time, I was a fan of David Copperfield. Such creative illusions. I have blogged about Criss Angel. I have particularly noticed the drift from the play of/with illusion to being aided supernaturally.
I never believed in supernatural till I became a Christian. For a long time also, I never believed nature could also be distorted supernaturally too except it was by God. Notice the word ‘distort’.
It’s just interesting how God sent Moses to the Pharaoh and he was instructed to drop his rod which would later turn to a serpent. I realize Moses would have thought this incredible. Like, ‘hey yo, Pharaoh, let my guys go or else I’d show you something you can never do! I’d drop this rod on the ground and it would turn to a serpent. Beat that‘.
Pharaoh must have had a good laugh when the rod turned to a snake! “Oh Moses, Oh Moses, do something cool. Not rods turning to serpents. I have seen better magic acts“. The Pharaoh then calls his own magicians who dropped their own rods. Their rods turned to serpents too!
Wow, those weren’t tricks. Those were not tricks!! No, not on the path of Moses and not on the side of the ‘opposition’. I may be slow in realizing this but life is not a joke.
I am not sure I fear the strength of men any more. I am not sure I am scared of the sting of bullets anymore. I think I am drawn to fear the one who has a grasp of both men, their evils and the Art of the Unseen.
A few days ago, I took a glimpse at the zodiac ish and horoscopes, not out of curiosity but as part of my discovery of the awesomeness of God. Yes, despite the fact that a lot comes out to me as creepy. I realize there are forces that can fool the horoscope reader.
I believe I can be the greater magician, leaving behind the baby stages of ‘tricks’ and carrying out better acts.
Like changing lives, and also by being a better me.
Interesting read..
Magic ke. that sounds more like voodoo to me oh. lol so did you go back to the mallam?
So was the money disappearing or what? Hmmmm..supernatural stuff abound o. But God pass them all. Talk about changing lives, He made us anew.But sha, you should have watched what happened with the snake magician and his volunteer.
i loved this piece….very intriguing
great post seye
wow…you alone have witnessed all of these?Oh I remember my only 1 experience; A magician told me to spit at the back of my hand…n guess what?it seeped out under my palm! I dont know how he did that but it sure was freaky!
I wish you continued success with all of your magic:)
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