So we started using Trello at the office when tasks and priorities started getting jumbled up with different task owners. Sometimes, you get a product head who wants say a banner on the site within the next one hour while the head of online marketing wants an animated gif for a banner that should be promoted on Facebook. Of course, no one wanted to use any of these task management tools. I am more of a Wunderlist junkie for my personal task scheduling but the company decided to go for Trello productivity app.
After two dedicated days of ‘training’ to sensitize the rest of the team on the use of Trello as opposed to emails and hounding others for task delivery, we somehow tried to make the use of Trello fun. Of course, it started getting abused. Sometimes someone like my office arch-enemy, Ani could go on Trello to say ‘Good morning’.
So now, you hear the phrases, ‘What’s trending on Trello today?‘. Or ‘Have you seen my new dp(display picture)?‘. Or ‘Are you guys following me on Trello. I have a number of followers‘.
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Trello: The Social Network (at my office)
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