If you like taking pictures, with your mobile phone, of things in awkward positions, or people with funny hair styles or people sleeping at work, you are very much like me in that aspect. If you use a Blackberry, you are most likely going to face the same unique challenges that sneaky Blackberry photographers face: THE LOUD CAMERA SHUTTER SOUND!
Imagine you taking a picture of someone drooling at work and then he’s woken by the click of your camera. That spoils the sport! So well, in a bid to find a solution to this, I have had to score the internet in search of the perfect solution. I bumped into this application, I don’t know how and who developed it. But I have had to recompile it and we have the perfect application to mute camera sounds!
By the way this guide doesn’t work with the Storm.
So here is how:
1. Download the application by clicking here: https://seyekuyinu.com/downloads/camera_mute.zip It’s only 5kb
2. Unzip the file.
3. Start up your Blackberry Desktop Manager
4. Click on ‘Applications‘. This lists all the applications listed on your Blackberry.
5. Click on Import. It’s at the top right corner of the Applications screen(if you use the latest Desktop manager).
6. A dialog box will pop open. Get the location of your unzipped file. You will see CameraMuteApp.alx
7. Clicking on this will add the application to the queue of things to install. Click Apply. And you are good to go!
Now that it is installed on your phone. All you have to do is open up the application. CLick on the Blackberry menu button and then “Add ‘Mute’ Menu-Item”.
When next you want to take a picture, click on your Blackberry Options button. You’d find in the menu ‘Mute!‘ Click on that.
Have fun.
Disclaimer: I no talk say make you snap illegal pishure o!
By the way, this doesn’t work with the Storm.
I will kill you
If you've taken any unauthorized pic of me..
This app only work well on BlackBerry with OS version 5.xx or lower, for new OS 6.xx & OS 7.xx this app doesn't work
Thank you. I will update the posts. I wrote this post before OS 7 came out though. It has been tried on OS 6 and it works.
thanks this work with my BB9300 thanks for software
What happens to us biologically that makes us behave aggressively after playing violent video games?
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